It’s Thursday, partly sunny/cloudy, light/variable winds, 0 % chance of rain with an expected high about 42 degrees. Sunset will be at 5:25 PM and sunrise tomorrow will be at 7:06 AM. First tide is high at 2:55 AM and low at 9:35 AM. Second tide is high at 3:15 PM followed with the low at 9:26 PM. Water temperature at the Duck Research Pier this morning is posted at 41 chilly degrees.

Haven’t heard of any fish caught on the northern beaches the last couple days and if the actual water temps are hovering around the low 40s, I can’t really blame the fish for not wanting to feed. It would take a lot of energy for them to move around in water that cold. The tackle shops down south haven’t posted any reports lately so I assume there haven’t been many anglers trying, given the weather we’ve had of late. We are in the heart of the winter season but be optimistic, the days are rapidly getting longer. Comparing sunrise/sunset for today with Jan 1st, todays daylight is 33 minutes longer than it was for New Years Day. Doesn’t that almost make you feel warm and toasty. Summer is on the way!!!

Take a kid fishing, Coolbreeze out